Yesterday I hosted my first Substack Live session (27 minutes) and I loved the experience ❤️
My topic for January is INNOVATION and I wanted to lead by example and walk the talk.
Trying something new is always daunting and intimidating, but it’s equally rewarding and fulfilling.
I always say that a newsletter is not a writing business: it’s a people business.
And that was exactly my goal: share my story and my vision and find new ways to connect with people and open new doors to keep building my community.
The previous evening, I announced the LIVE session in my group chat and asked my subscribers to ask me anything:
On Time Management by
It’s often more about managing energy rather than time and setting yourself up for success every morning. Understanding what works for you (mentally, physically, emotionally) is key so that you can recharge your energy and get back to your 100%.
As a triathlete, I prioritize exercise and train every day to clear my mind and filter my thoughts. I also keep the most productive hours of the day for the most brain-consuming tasks (like this Live!).
On keeping up with the pace by
With all the digital noise out there (AI, new technology and features) it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and even anxious. I hear you.
I believe in nurturing curiosity about new technologies and trends while staying true to your values, your why, and yourself and putting FOMO and the shiny object syndrome in quarantine.
It’s also important to self-audit and understand where resistance is coming from and holding you back when it comes to learning/ trying new things: Is it fear, perfectionism, lack of confidence…?
Let’s have a moment with the mirror and tackle the beast.
On multi-passionate creators and niches by
You don’t need a niche to be successful; you need clarity in your vision, your strategy, and your ideal reader/ client.
Humans are multidimensional and you can talk and write about different topics provided you connect the dots between your different passions and find the hidden link.
For me, I love creating synergies betwen different worlds that matter to me: triathlon gives me resilience as a writer; traveling gives me a broader perspective; being a CEM (Chief Executive Mom) explains my values.
On age and starting later in life:
You never really start from zero.
That zero is just in your mind.
No matter how old you are, the experiences you’ve gained along the journey have value and can be transferrable: your work background, your travels, your personal achievements and failures. I started writing at 41 and my oldest coaching client is 80.
I don’t believe in starting late. I believe in starting. Full stop.
On building your brand when you are starting by
Building credibility and gaining trust is hard when you are embarking on a new journey and you have to earn it. How? By creating opportunities, seeking exposure, and putting yourself out there.
If you want to be a coach, book 1:1 sessions with your connections and seek testimonials.
As a public speaker, I started speaking for free at podcasts, conferences and events to build my profile.
If you want to build trust, you have to earn trust.
On identifying your pivotal moments by
My first life-changing moment as a creator was when I earned my first dollar through my writing (it was 2.15US$ pre-tax on Medium). It really opened my eyes to this crazy proposition of monetizing your passion.
Another pivotal event was when I did my first book signing, here in Hong Kong. When my daughters saw my picture on the event sign at the store, they pointed at it and proudly said,
“Wow, that’s you mummy, my mummy.”
Being a role model for my mini-Vs, and investing in my legacy is way bigger than any paycheque.
I leave you with a little clip from my first book signing to share with you why I do what I do and encourage people to follow their passion ❤️
Lemons & Lemonade 🍋
Here are some resources to help you with your own creative journey:
📝 One Post: The Mindset That Took Me From 5 to 202 Paid Subscribers in 2024
🎥 One Video: Your Substack Notes Blueprint Tutorial (18 minutes)
🎬 One Webinar: Chat With The World's Top Publisher Penguin Random House
📙 One e-guide: Personal Brand Studio to monetize your brand (30% off on Gumroad)
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