Excellent! I really enjoyed this one. I’m not sure exactly how the Substack algorithm chose to connect us since we both write about very different topics, but perhaps because we’re both triathletes who like mindset skills!

I’ve launched my Substack one month ago and have almost 100 subscribers (79 were carried over from my personal website) and 1 paid. I have several ideas about things I would like to implement to generate revenue, but I’m not quite sure how to go about doing it. For example, “It List”- all the gear, kit, equipment, nutrition my husband and I use on a daily basis for our Ironman training, with discounts we use. E-books on transition tips, mental skills for developing a pre-race plan, how to write a race report, creating a race calendar, our ultimate triathlon packing list. But I’m not sure if the best way to do that is to make them paid posts with a free preview (Not a fan of this) or another method. Suggestions are appreciated!

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Really insightful! I will try some of these in the upcoming future!☺️

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Hi Veronica!

While I find these growth-strategy posts interesting (can't help but click to learn how others are doing it!), I also find them industry specific. As a farmer and wildlife conservationist, I struggle to determine what kind of online products and services I could offer readers after my newsletter (and forthcoming books).

Already I am providing products from my farm in the form of fresh, organically grown produce, lamb, eggs, farmstays and camping opportunities. My 1st book is titled: "How to Buy a Farm With No Money" and is not going to appeal to as wide an audience as your mindset-growth stories.

As far as webinars go, I'd much rather host an in-person workshop on the farm to share new skills with beginning farmers as that hands-on experience is going to be way more beneficial than just talking at people.

I guess I struggle to see how I can convert farming into an effective topic or online sales opportunity using the sorts of methods substack-growth proponents are advocating...

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Hi Samantha,

Thank you for sharing and agree that this strategy might work for people in fields similar to mine.

From what you are sharing, I think you have a goldmine in your knowledge about organic farming and it's doesn't have to target farmers but people who want to grow veggies and fruits at home and have no idea where to start. You have credibility and experience so a webinar on growing your food at home could be worth exploring.

A friend of mine is a vet and she started doing FB lives about taking care of your aging pets and it's doing really well.

Take risks, explore and have fun!


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Jul 6Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thanks some really good ideas for me to ponder for when/if I turn on my paid subscriptions. Still mulling over what I could offer for those subscribers.

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That's great to hear, Sophie!

Don't overthink it: once you turn on that button, you will have a bar and you will raise it from there. Where you start is not where you end.

Good luck!

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Jul 6Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

No luck at all, it's all you!

You bring value, positivity, and high energy!

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Thank you Jamie!

It’s so nice to hear that S it’s really what I’m trying to build.

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Jul 6Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

These are great tips. Before moving to Substack I was already planning on doing a high-value, low-cost annual membership to help people achieve their goals in a meaningful, purposeful authentic way, and Substack supporting that business model affirmed that choice. I think offering additional content is a hard sell for paid because there is no shortage of content in the world and nobody needs more. I think what’s most helpful - and what I would personally pay for - is like-minded community and implement-focused tips, just like you suggested. That’s what I plan to create. Hopefully it works!

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You are so right, Suzanne.

The content is your bread-and-butter and you have to create new ways of adding value: webinars, interviews, Threads...

Good luck, love your strategy!

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Jul 5Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Some really great tips here. I have a DIY brand course that I wrote and never actually sold - maybe I'll repurpose it for Substack!

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That's great, Rose and you should totally repurpose your course.

you can serialize it and offer it to your paid subscribers or share it with all for FREE and give the full course to your paid subscribers.

Definitely explore it and let me know how it goes.

Good luck!

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Jul 5Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Veronica thanks so much for sharing your journey. Here's what I noticed: Slow growth for the first year or so. I think this is standard for most writers on Substack, and I suspect this is where most assume they won't grow any faster, so they quit. Then after that came a jolt in growth over the next few months, a slight increase. Then growth took off and that's where you are now. I've noticed other successful writers here follow this same 3-stage progression.

The real question is, based on your current trajectory, where will you be in another year? Excited for your future, happy Friday!

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Thank you, Mack!

I noticed the same and tbh, 8 months into my journey my growth started to decline...I think many would quit at that point but it's important to remember that it's a journey and you will always have ups and downs.

I hope you keep it up too and you will be next. You are always engaging and supporting others and that's key to grow.

Cheers and happy weekend!

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Jul 6Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Veronica I’ve quit multiple times on building something online over less than 8 months of little or no growth. The honesty that you and others have shown here in your Substack journey has convinced me to stick with it this time, so thank you for that.

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Thank you for that and I think you are on the right track here.

It took me exactly 8 months to start seeing some momentum and over 1 year to really take off so keep going!

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Very cool all that you're doing!

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Thank you, Sarah,

I watched your interview with Kristina and I loved how you put the focus on building a community as well.

What I love most about Substack is that you can find your own formula.

Cheers and looking forward to our panel!

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🙌 woohoo I think with this discount you'll reach it within the next days!

Congratulations I live seeing other women succeed and I love that you shared the video everywhere. I think this also helped to add more context information to you as a person.

I see that you have a marketing brain because you're so smart to really collaborate with others.

It's not a one way stret. We're stronger together and then should share everything with our tribe to help others and ourselves. ❤️

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Thank you, Kristina!

I learned (the hard way) that writing must go hand in hand with marketing.

Whether it's a newsletter or a book, you have to build your brand and "sell" yourself.

That's why I love your topic of "hyping yourself."

Can't wait for our live session!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Cool! About the free trial. It was fun for a while but then I discovered the same thing. People using this leverage to get acces to the info and then unsubscribe. So I disabled the 7 day trial. (It did not affect the growth)

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Same here!

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That’s exactly what I did, Valentin.

My free content IS the free trial, lol.

In my case the paid subscribers took off once o removed it.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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How can I read your book, you mentioned you offer it for the annual subscribers.

Here I am. 🙏

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Hi Valentin!

I'm afraid it's in your junk mail. Please check it on 10 June. It should be there (2 ebooks actually ;) Let me know.


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Got it! 🫡

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Great 🙌🏼

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deletedJul 5
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We kind of learned it by doing. And by the way, having 2 publications doubled my income. (One is writing, the other one in an online video course)

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Fantastic! Substack said it was ill-advised. But your pubs are wildly different. And you have to promote both, which a lot of people don't have the energy for.

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I write on one and from time to time I just have a CTA for the 2nd one. Zero effort. 💁‍♂️

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I now have five Substacks so.... It's just perhaps not wise for people who aren't offering clear services, i.e., creative writers.

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I watched your Interview with @Kristina God and you said its not a good idea to have multiple publications. 💁‍♂️

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