Best explained πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯

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Both/And πŸ™ŒπŸ’‘

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Jun 16Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thats good advice for all of us

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Awesome, Mark, happy to hear!

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Jun 16Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I wrote something similar to this the other day in Notes but mine happened to be the fast food version of this idea and your article definitely the 5 star gourmet version of the idea. Perhaps Notes is like the fast food snack version of thoughts and ideas we have and our articles are like (or should be) a gourmet meal prepared by a world renowned chef (writer)

Food for thought…

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Hahaha, food for thought!

I agree that Notes is like the fast food. You can give you readers the appetizer there, and if they are interested, you can then cook the main in Posts.

That's my strategy to make sure my Posts land well ;)

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Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I love this analogy, makes so much sense!

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Thank you Jemina!

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Jun 15Β·edited Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Wonderful piece.

Yeah I like my writing to be like "a slow dance while listening to soulful music that speaks to the heart".

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I love the analogy with music and dance πŸ’«

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A really good analogy. And definitely food for thought - no pun intended!

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Hahaha, no pun at all, lol!

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Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Well, when you put it that way, I am a content creator! Self-labeled. I'll leave being thought of as a writer to my readers πŸ‘ŠπŸ»

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Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

This is such a great point. The channels themselves have a style which attracts a type of audience too. On X the β€˜content creator’ style stuff just seems to be like a multiple level marketing scheme πŸ˜‚

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Hahaha yep, that’s why I stopped posting there. It felt like a pyramid scheme of marketing…

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The vibe is just quite weird over there!

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Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I love this clarification, AND that I could be both, depending on the day, the message, etc.

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Exactly, the beauty is in adjusting depending on the circumstances. Thank you!

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Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

So interesting and clear! I have never thought about the difference

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It's great to be able to flex between both.

Notes is much more about content creation whereas Posts is pure writing.

You can't apply the same writing principles and you really have to switch hats.

Food for thought ;)

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Amazing Analysis. I had never seen things from this point of view. Thanks

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Thank you!

Neither had I until I had to…

I learned the hard way but now I know how to switch hats πŸ˜‰

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Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Ah, I was waiting for something like this. Thank you 🫢

Having done both - what do you suggest starting out with. Pros/cons to consider? I’m starting on my LinkedIn journey now because I’m a performance coach and people I want to work with are present there.

But I LOVE writing long form. Presenting slow cooked, deliberate, artful recipes for success.

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I think you have your answer: start with what you love of comes naturally to you.

In your case, it’s the long form, so start there and use those ingredients for your fast food πŸ˜‰ you can experiment with Notes too.

Good luck and thank you!

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Great analogy. I'm loving it!

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Thank you πŸ™

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Jun 15Β·edited Jun 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thank you so much Veronica. I'm still new to Substack, still finding my stride. I think I write for the slow savourer but sometimes I'll do bite-sized. (Like my meme REMEMBER REMEMBER FORGET DON'T FORGET which is a little personal campaign I'm on to change the neurologically complex DON'T FORGET in common thinking, to the simple mental process of REMEMBER.)

I had a good presence on the old ezinearticles.com and one article I wrote on Stress was spread far and wide through the old internet, before the days of social media. I may give Linkedin a go. No success for me on Medium. I'm really hoping Substack is my place.

Thanks again - I'm clearly in good company 😊

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Thank you, Michele and welcome to Substack!

I really hope you find your community here. I'm loving it!

I wrote an article (all free) with my Substack strategy. It's been my most popular ever and I think it could help you as you create your own path here.

Good luck!


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