I have to admit that this is my biggest problem: simplicity. I always make things complicated, try to build patterns by connecting the dots from space to spiritually, to health, to trauma healing, to community and compassion, to women’s health and rights, to entrepreneurship. I end up with a complex map of these things that kinda make sense but don’t! I really need to practice it, letting go is hard and I don’t know how to kill my darlings! But I’m trying to figure it out.

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Kill your darlings is a great strategy.

I have had many Notes go viral and I believe the key is simplicity: share 1 idea in a simple format.

That’s the hard bit.

We are all figuring things out here ;)

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Yes, and this is what I need to practice. Thanks

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Always love your posts, Veronica. This was a great reminder to keep things simple and straight to the point when sharing. Loved it!

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It let me take a grateful, deep breath.

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That was a really educative and insightful article. And you just got a new subscriber!

I like this summary: "Minimalist writing is clear, concise, and compact.

Like a good perfume, it comes in small doses, and you just need a few drops to make an impact."

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I myself have the attention span of a Gerbil, though I tend to write long form, need to work on my shortform :)

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Excellent points thanks

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Outstanding post, Veronica. I’ll add - to paraphrase Lao Tzu, β€˜We gain knowledge not by adding, but by taking away’.

Such vision in so few words.

You’re right up there with the master! What a great model for great writing. What’s the goal, and how do we get there?

Glad to see you post on Medium’s Shortform. I do as well. See you there? -cj.amberwood

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Love this! My next post is going to be a dabble in drabbles. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Nice piece Veronica. I’d love to see you write a piece about maximalist writing next. Even in your minimalist style, it would still be useful. Because I believe minimalism and maximalism are two poles on a spectrum. And we need them both.

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i have found myself enjoying short poems here on substack that affect my heart as much (or more) than longer pieces I've read. I am getting more bold about posting my shorter essays accordingly.

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I truly loved this article of yours. Made me think about my own writings and wether to go long or short form. I needed this. Thank you for sharing!

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I truly love your take on minimalist writing! I think it's way more effective than long form articles. Thank you for sharing this 🀍

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Very interesting! I’ve noticed that so much emphasis was placed on writing succinctly in university, however this seems to be less important in other contexts. Will definitely be keeping this in mind

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This has been tried before. In fact, Hemingway's legend rested on it. But it ultimately leads to sterility. Life is too complicated to heel to a technique.

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β€˜Brevity is the soul of wit.’ Holds up.

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Loving this so much!

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