You are great at public speaking. But without a doubt, it's not for me. I just want to write about my experiences and travel destinations I wish to go to.

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Yes and you are great at that.

We all have to follow our passions and intuition.

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Yes thank you

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This was so helpful to read. I've thought about trying to become more of a speaker aka, looking for opportunities proactively and not just doing the ones I'm asked to do (although those are great too). Thank you for this peek into how you made it happen.

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Thank you, Christine!

I have found that speaking is such an organic extension of writing...

If you can, I would definitely encourage you to create opportunities where you can use your voice to impact others.

Especially in your line of work, people need to hear what you have to say 🫶🏻

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Sep 15Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Again, such clear, no-nonsense advice. You make everything seem possible, Veronica!✨

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Thank you, Trudi!

Are you interested in speaking in public?

We talked about webinars but not specifically speaking in public. Curious to know.


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I have to do it as part of my job. I don’t enjoy it 😂

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Sep 14Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I wish I could do many of the things you are talking about. I just want to spread the message that I received.

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You absolutely can but you have to start with small steps first.

Go from articles to your newsletter, maybe speak on podcasts first, upload a few videos...

No one was born on a stage, it's a journey.

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Sep 14Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

So true. I am an introvert and I actually love public-speaking. I am also an educator. Funny, that..

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Absolutely and the funny thing is that I have heard that many great public speakers are introverts.

I personally prefer to speak to an audience than to fight for attention in a group where everyone is talking.

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Sep 14Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

"It’s part of the (numbers) game: for every 1 yes, be ready to collect 9 nos.

C’ est la vie.

Don’t take rejection personal. It will eat you alive."

Love this. Daily reminder of not taking rejections personal. If you're not failing, you're not growing

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Absolutely, Mandy, and it applies to everything, especially to writing too.

Normalizing rejection will help you grow faster. It's the essence of personal growth.

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Sep 14Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

This is awesome. I speak well but want to peak and get paid for it. However, from an introvert standpoint, there’s so self doubt and staying on topic with my neuropsychologist mind. I’d love to learn.

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Sep 14Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I meant to put neurodivergent mind. Darn auto type on iPhone. You are so right about mindset. I help others with mindsets and step out of their comfort zone. I must and will practice what I preach.. I’m putting myself out there on YouTube now and soon podcasts are in the works. Great things take time. No more saying what I want to do, but just do. My sweet Momma used to tell me that the worst that anyone can say to me is, “No, so keep on truckin.” Thank you so much friend🫶🏾

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The mindset is what stops many people from taking risks and putting themselves out there.

Progressive exposure was the key for me: I started small with podcasts, LinkedIn Lives and slowly evolved into events, conferences, until I started charging corporates for it.

Go one step at a time and you will get there.

Good luck!

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Sep 13Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

This is awesome, thanks Veronica. I speak quite a lot and am self critical (too fast, jokes aren't funny, I could go on ...) I probably need some coaching. I did look up the Speakers Institute and, lo and behold, one of them is in my city! I need to put myself out there more. Thank you again!

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Thank you for sharing, Bill.

We have to find the balance between being confident and humble.

Speakers Institute are fantastic and their bootcamps for speakers are money well spent.

We all need coaching to keep getting better.

We got this!

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Sep 14Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Can't fault that recommendation. Thanks Veronica

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