Thanks. I really value your advice and the fact that you give it freely is incredibly generous

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Thank you Nia!

Tbh, I believe that's been the secret to gain paid subscribers. The more FREE content I share, the more PAID subscribers I get. It also pushes me to raise my bar higher.

I really appreciate you saying that πŸ™πŸΌ

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πŸ’› I'd rather be a millionaire that helps others than a billionaire that helps themselves!

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Yes, I love that.

It's a win-win.

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Another great, actionable post!

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Thank you Mark!

I'm a triathlete so I always focus on ACTION πŸ”₯

Great to see you getting momentum with Notes, keep it up!

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Thanks - four great tips there, especially like the first one. thanks for sharing it.

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You are welcome, Nicola!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. There's so much a newsletter can help us with. I'm just scratching the surface.

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Jun 2Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Cross-posting between here and Medium has always been a normal part of my writ8ng routine. Of course I'm here WAY more than Medium because the community vibes here are second to none

But I also make a few hundred a month over there so it's a no-brainer!

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Thanks for sharing, Kristi.

Do you also find that Medium deprioritizes content that has been previously published on Substack?

It's definitely my experience but I would love to hear from others. It would make sense that they favor exclusive content...

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

You already know that I'm a big fan and appreciate your content. Thanks for reminding me to add some of my Medium articles to my Substack newsletter. I've just got a link to my profile at the bottom.

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You are welcome, Susie!

Try to be strategic and add maybe 1 or 2 that can really add value (and are exclusive).

Good luck!

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I'm with you on Gumroad! Even better to get it on our website... But I did put my book on Amazon because it gives some social proof and verifiability.

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Amazon is hard to beat as a sefl-publishing platform for authors who want to build their author brand.

That said, Gumroad is great for digital products.

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Jun 2Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I’m totally aligned!

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

That is great info on the affiliate links. I did not know. I do on travel now. You have such great info. I am starting to be confy with my 2 platforms.

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Thank you, Jean!

You can even promote other people's books for example. The commission is small but it all adds up ;)

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Great article! I've been doing well on Substack, but I've been interested in incorporating Medium as well, so I'll have to check that out as well.

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Thank you!

Take a look at the article I mentioned re Substack and Medium. It took me a while to find a model that works but I'm pretty happy with the ecosystem I created.

Good luck!

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

All great ways to earn from your newsletter.

Also the button to upgrade to lemonade doesn't work, it links to a "page not found".

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Thank you! Just fixed it. Fresh lemonade is ready 😎

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

It still doesn't seem to work (the one at the very bottom of the post), it's linking to: "https://veronicallorcasmith.substack.com/p/https:/veronicallorcasmith.substack.com/subscribe" instead of just "https:/veronicallorcasmith.substack.com/subscribe"

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I just changed it to the standard "subscribe."

Not sure what happens now for people who are already subscribed though.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check it πŸ™πŸΌ

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Jun 2Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

It's showing a checkmark with "subscribed" beside it :)

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Hahaha, thank you!

I changed it to a special offer for June only as it's my birthday month 😎

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Fantastic! Clear, thorough and useful. I didn’t know about Gumroad so tip of the hat. (It did make me think of Gumtree, the Aussie equivalent of Craigslist) lol

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Yes! When I was living in Australia I always got confused with Gumtree and Gumroad πŸ˜…

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Jun 1Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thank you. It's just how I have been practising - Books, digital publications, and creating valuable content. Feel reinforcement, and your posts add value to my entrepreneurial mindset.

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Thank you!

The mindset is the hardest part. Technically skills are easier to master.

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Bless you

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Wow I read this again and things started clicking. Thanks Veronica !!

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This is awesome. I’m a writer on Medium and I just joined the partnership program. I’d love to purchase Derek’s book on how to make my first 1000 bucks on medium

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Thanks for sharing this insight Veronica!😊

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Yes to Gumroad for digital products. It helps me to share my expertise with many more people than I can work with one-on-one. In fact, I just launched a video course to help creators super-charge their Substacks, and people are already loving it! https://karencherry.gumroad.com/l/upgrade-your-Substack

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I appreciated this article and the variety of ways you approach this. Since I'm writing a book, I enjoyed hearing of your experience and thoughts on ways to promote your book. I have been planning to create several virtual courses after I launch this book, and I'm curious if you host the actual course here on Substack or just put links to another platform where the course is hosted? I am assuming that maybe you create the course here since it is for paid subscribers? I really appreciate you and enjoy hearing what has worked for you. I believe that writers need to think like entrepreneurs, and writers who are able to make a living doing what they love are fairly rare. I am not trying to make a living as a writer, though my goal is to encourage and help others and my writing goes hand in hand with my coaching business. As someone retired from counseling, I love creating tools that can have a broader reach than 1:1 work with people. It's not so much about income as it is doing what I find most fulfilling and meaningful. However, writing has been part of my livelihood over the years and when I hear from others who find my writing really helpful, that's the best reward.

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