May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Hello. Veronika, you must have gained a lot of experience to solve these 3 questions easily. These 3 questions are important and guides that can help me. thank you

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Thank you and I'm very happy to hear this!

They sound easy but they are quite hard and you can apply them to many other things too.

Good luck!

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You are so right that they are hard. My entire work with people is helping them clear about those questions in their work. I believe it's that important!!

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Thank you Veronica! I'm not hurry to publish a novel at this point, ever since I realized the fact that no one will bet on you anymore in the publishing world. J.K.Rowling's legend is no longer copiable in this digital age

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May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Halfway through a first draft. When the time comes, I’ll be back here to help myself make the most of it.

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That's awesome, Jack.

Even now you can start talking about your book and building in public.

Good luck!

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May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thank you for sharing this easy-to-digest and solid advice. I’m nearly done my proposal and submitting to a publisher in a couple of weeks. This post was really validating and reassuring that I’ve done stuff right! And gave me a gentle push and inspo for where I can make some last minute changes! Awesome work, thank you.

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That's fantastic, Sam.

I wish you all the best!

Looks like you have done your homework and have your pitch ready.

If you are able to join (live or watch the replay), the webinar on self-publishing is super actionable and covers many points relevant to publishing in general.

Good luck!

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May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thank you. This is very helpful. I’m going to work on those 3 questions.

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Brilliant, Georgia, really happy to hear that and good luck with your writing.

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Wish I’d read this 12 months ago!!

By the way- No. 3 is hard! Just saying!

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It's the hardest: writers love writing, not selling their writing 😅

I wish I had known this before I wrote my first book too ;)

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May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Hi Veronica, quick question: do you have an agent for your Penguin book deal?

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Hi Almer,

I don't have an agent.

Are you planning to write a book?

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May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I already did! It’s a novel though, and it’s extremely hard to get an agent or publisher for a debut (no previous records no established readers at all 🥹)

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Good luck, Almer, it's really really hard but you can use your Substack and social media to start building your following. All the best!

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May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Wow, that was really helpful. Marking it for future reference. Thanks and congrats to you!

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Thank you Rancho,

I'm really glad to hear it was helpful!

Are you thinking about writing a book?

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Currently focused on writing and improving on Substack.

In the future, yes some day I will definitely write!

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That's smart. I wish I had had an established Substack when I wrote my first book. That's where your readers are ;)

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Such great tips. Thank you for sharing these with aspiring authors!

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The marketing part is the most difficult, as most writers are not cut for that role.

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Loved soooo much

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