Sep 22Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I have a (dumb) question - where do I post on 'Notes'? Do I use the Substack mobile app? Or the regular website? Is there a difference? When I post using the web, I don't see anybody's Notes but myself and when I use the mobile app, I see everyone's Notes. Am I doing something wrong? A little help would be appreciated.

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Hello Roshan,

You can actually post from both and it should be the same: you have visibility to everyone's Notes both on the web version and the app.

Not sure why you can't see it...

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Sep 22Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Thanks, Veronica. Really helpful. I don't spend as much time building my Substack as I have a full-time job which takes a LOT of my time, but I'm trying. I love your Substack, your presentation and how you craft your writing. LOADS to learn for folks like me.

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Thank you so much, Roshan!

It’s great you are building on the side while you are still on your 9 to 5.

That’s a great way to go about it.

Once you are ready, I think you would enjoy the webinars too. The next one is on strategy on monetization for writers & creators.


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I especially like the first and second ways because I do it and it really works.

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I really like this!! So I reposted with my takeaways:

🤖Don't sound like a bot. Okay, I won't!

🤓Be yourself. (I'm gonna be my nerdy self).

🤣New phrase I love: "meme-farm 🚜 social media sites" (Though I love creating memes but I get it that is what other social media sites are like).

🍰"yummy snack" writing. Give them some tidbits of the post.

🚴‍random things about you. (My husband and I ride a tandem bike).

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Veronica I appreciate your positive and supportive attitude here on Substack

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This was incredibly helpful.

What also amazes me is your writing skills. What has helped or shaped your writing the most? Techniques, tactics or resources. For instance, Nicholas Cole was one resource that helped me see how online writing is different than what we are taught at school.

Would love to hear about your writing process or how you craft a post.

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Absolutely no one reads my notes on substack. I am going to give it one month solid. But I need help!

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How did it go, Cecilia? Any improvement?

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Not really. I am a farmer and I don’t think my pictures and words resonate with people here. But I am still popping in daily and having fun with it. How are things going with you?

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Good, I’m loving it and meeting great people!

I think being a farmer is super interesting and you have incredible life experience that could add value to others.

My husband is from Australia and he has many friends who grew up in farms and I find it fascinating. They are surrounded by kangaroos and exotic wildlife.

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Oh!! He was my neighbour! I am a New Zealander. And I agree. So many wonderful people over here.

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May 26Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Great tips Veronica! Thanks for sharing! They'll come quite handy for newcomers like me.

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Awesome! Cheers!

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Thank you very much for this wonderful and helpful information. I’m struggling hard to understand how work Substack. I already posted a few things here, but I had no subscribers. I had some views and reads, but no subscribers. I think this information can help me.

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Hi Anthony!

I hope your Substack journey is going well!


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Thank you very much for sharing this. I am a Substack newcomer and a little overwhelmed. So these tips have a been hugely helpful.

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That’s so great to hear 🙌🏼

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May 23Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

So many good ideas! Thank you for sharing what you've learned along the way with us, Veronica!

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You are welcome, Summer, I hope it was useful!

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May 21Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

I like your posts.

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Thank you!

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

well im not a bot.

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May 19Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Oh how I love discovering entertaining, helpful, and useful posts! Well done! Subscribed! 🍋

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Hahaha thank you! I’m glad it was helpful.

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May 18Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

How about just a note, saying:

I am not a bot!


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Love that 😂

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Veronica, I just want to say that you are always an inspiration. I simply cannot keep up and I am not wired like you. “Calls to action”, etc., not something I can do. I can write, I can share my experience and that is what I can do. Have a wonderful life! WEW

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Thank you, Wendy!

For some reason I’m only reading the comments now.

I appreciate you and writing is always wonderful, no matter what route you choose.


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Hello Veronica. I have been using 13 (thirteen!) of your tips and must be doing something completely wrong here, because no matter what I do of several of these that you write here: no fraction, hardly ever any reactions at all, and also it doesn't matter how unique or lovely my posts are.

It's mostly just a struggle. Creating posts are fun - but all the rest feels like doing it for completely nothing. I might as well create the posts for my own entertainment only...

Three years and a bit more than 300 (free...) Subscribers, mainly added from my email list - which means maybe 30-40 organic Subs.

I always get frustrated whenever I look at my stats, posts or notes and question myself:

Is it worthy enough at all what I am posting? (I KNOW it is, some things one can't get from no-one else but me, not even similar. I do get feedback that it's exceptional what 've been doing)

Is it worth the effort to contribute to others' stuff who won't reciprocate?

Is it worth to spend 10-20 or more hours per month on creating posts, sharing them here, engaging with others' posts and notes - for the 10 bucks I get, when I must sing in the streets so that I can eat at all?

Hopefully one day I can figure this out.

I would appreciate if someone took a look at my profile or blog and gave me a quick impression of what should I change ❣️

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