David, hey.

Great insights. Searched to poke holes, failed lamentably.

So, not all of us have a book lurking somewhere in our craniums? That sucks!!

Anyway, I know I have one rattling around in there somewhere.

It will materialise some day, or is it one day...

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Jul 26Liked by David McIlroy

Ha! What a spinout. David's author journey is almost identical to mine - always loved writing stories, first book in teens, got back to it in Covid. But then, unlike him, I didn't push ahead with publishing. All the rejection got to me, so I just sat down and wrote another book. Which I'm also paralysed on publishing. Thanks for the ideas for moving ever onwards!

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I feel like many new authors who don't know the publishing world think traditional publishing equals success for their book, but it doesn't work like that, so seeing these great insights is helpful for publishing 101! Thanks for the post!

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Jul 24Liked by David McIlroy

Great overview on the publishing options today from @David McIlroy.

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I have a friend who is currently doing a cross country book tour. I was honored to be the conversation guide during her stop in my town. After the event we talked about what it has been like marketing her book…

She set the whole thing up!

Barnes and Noble stores have said “yes” to book signings…but, persistence was the key to getting them. A trusted family member pitched those book signings.

She spent several years building up a list.

Her book! 12 Books in 12 Months: Make Your Own Solo Travel Magic by Jen Ruiz

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

This article is very helpful and encouraging. I attended a conference a while back but missed the opportunity this year. I've been regretting that miss so much, and then I read this--which gives just the advice I would learn at a conference. I'm new to Substack but finding so much here. What a great community.

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It really is a great community and people are willing to share and give tips based on their experience, like David.

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith

Got to read a writer if you want to be a writer

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I couldn't agree more.

Follow the writer ;)

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

Solid advice from one who knows! Thank you, David. ✨

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

Thanks for sharing this - so much helpful advice! I’d love to publish a book one day with a ‘traditional’ publisher, but had been worried by all the doom and gloom stories online. This has encouraged me that my dream isn’t dead but could still happen one day - with advice to help me get there. Thanks David & Veronica ✨

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Hi Holly,

Your dream is very much alive and I hope you will make it come true.

I recently signed a book deal with Penguin and I shared the story behind the scenes on Medium.

I think it can give you some encouragement. Good luck!


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Thanks Veronica! I will take a look at the link 🥰

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

Really, as always, super useful advice on the topic of writing a book. In my opinion one of the most interesting things is everything connected to 'indie' and emerging publishing houses. In my opinion there is a lot of space and I think it is interesting to study the strategies to understand if it is a space that is also growing economically. Thanks for sharing!

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Agree, Riccardo.

Also, the new space of newsletters and serialized books is super interesting.

I'm writing an article on that atm and explaining why Substack is the place to be for authors, both big and small, traditionally published and self-published.

The industry is being disrupted and disruption means new opportunities.

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

Thank you for this wonderful and insightful article!

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

If only one could write without the hassle of marketing… so true as to how we writers feel but that’s not the world we live in if we want our stories to be read. Thank you David for pointing this out. I appreciate Thing 7 (You will have to do your own marketing) and 8 ( Marketing is manageable). These are the 2 most important things for me to know, be reminded of, and get on board with 😊

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I’d like to read that. Sometimes I feel like it’s exhausting doing all the other parts and pieces and I just want to write!✍🏻

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I’m still a newbie author but in the past I’ve done the hard yards of marketing in its many guises. For me the most infectious approach was not to keep pushing my stuff, but instead, once I had my early adopters, I rewarded them and then equipped them with all the materials they needed to become my unofficial marketing team. Their energy and independence accelerated things faster than I could ever achieve.

I’m considering how an associate marketing approach could be employed to sell books. If you buy my book direct from my website you get a reward (money and/or stuff) every time you get someone else to buy from my shop.

Just a thought.

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Jul 24Liked by Veronica Llorca-Smith, David McIlroy

Really helpful! I appreciate this post💛

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Thank you David, for sharing your experience and wisdom with us.

Publishing is definitely a long-term play.

Good luck with your new book!

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